About us

We are six masters students of Communications at L’Institut d’etudes politiques (Sciences Po) in Paris and in our first year. Part of our course was to study a controversy in the environmental realm and see how the topic transitioned and evolved into a disputed issue. While we debated numerous other topic, we eventually settled on the topic of Brazilian bioethanol production and whether its actually environmentally friendly.

  • Arnaud ANTOINE: I’m 22. I’m French, I come from Paris. I have been studying in Sciences Po for four years.
  • Pierre Antoine CHEVALLIER: I’m 21 years old. I’m French, I come from Paris. I have been studying in Sciences Po for four years.
  • Honor May ELDRIDGE: I’m 24. I’m English. I’m from London but I studied in Washington DC.
  • Margot LECLERCQ: I’m 21 years old. I’m French, I come from Lille but study in Paris. I’ve been studying at Sciences Po for four years now.
  • Yuan LI : I’m 23 years old. I come from China, where I studied French for the last three years.
  • Fernando SERPONE BUENO: I’m 27 years old. I come from Sao Paulo, Brazil, where I have worked the past six years as a reporter and editor.

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