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Online interactions

The map bellow is a web-cartography of Conservation Tillage. Its aim is to show the interconnectedness of the different actors through their websites’ linkage. The map features 141 relevant websites which we divided in 6 categories :
How to read this map ?Each website is represented by a circle which becomes bigger according to its number of incoming links. The more incoming links a website has, the more influence it has in the Conservation Tillage network.

The map is spatialized in order to show the level of implication of the actors. The websites standing at the very periphery of the map are less embedded into the Conservation Tillage network than the ones which are more in the center.

Presentation of the 6 categories :

Cooperative Platforms :

Cooperative Platforms are the websites where different types of actors are exchanging knowledge pertaining to Conservation Tillage. Those platforms are often the meeting-point of Farmers and Scientists, as well as other actors.

Environment :

This category includes websites with a clear message in favor of Ecology as well as sites specialized on the conservation of the ecosystem with focus on insects as well as soil and water quality. It also includes websites promoting Organic Agriculture. Reminder : Conservation tillage is not Organic Agriculture, since CT sometimes implies the use of chemicals.

Scientists :

The scientists studying Agronomy (the science and technology of producing and using plants for food, fuel, fibre, etc), with a focus on Conservation Tillage. Their work can be in the laboratory as well as on the field. Many experiments are launched around the world with the cooperation of the local population.

Industry :

The websites of Machinery Constructors specialized in Conservation Tillage, Chemicals and Biotech Industry websites, as well as software makers specialized in land managing tools in order to forecast the costs fluctuations of tilled and non-tilled lands.

Farmers :

The farmers wishing to share their experience of Conservation Tillage. Those are private people or associations mainly focusing on the beneficial productive aspect of CT.

State :

The agriculture ministries as well as government sponsored initiatives related to conservation agriculture. This category also includes supra-national institutions such as the United Nations, and World Bank-sponsored agricultural projects.

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