
Type of actor: NGO

Who are they ?

The Bellona Foundation is an international environmental NGO based in Norway. Founded in 1986 as a direct action protest group, Bellona has become a recognised technology and solution-oriented organization with offices in Oslo, Brussels, Washington D.C., St. Petersburg and Murmansk. Altogether, some 75 engineers, ecologists, nuclear physicists, economists, lawyers, political scientists and journalists work at Bellona.

What is their position ?

In addition to energy efficiency, renewable energy, Bellona regards Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) an essential transition tool towards a low carbon future.

The rationale behind allowing CCS in CDM is to provide a signal to project developers and governments that CCS should be considered as a valid mitigation option. If it is on its own, it is unlikely to result in new CCS projects in developing countries but may complement other policies.


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