Who we are

This work has been conducted by six students from the School of Communication of Sciences Po Paris. This project was part of the controversy mapping class created by Bruno Latour and taught by Tommaso Venturini.

The idea was to analyze a controversy related to climate change, more precisely, to the issue of adaptation. After a few weeks of research, an article dealing with a potential project of Carbon Capture and Storage in Scotland (Peterhead project) caught our attention.

By going further into the research, we realized that it was a vast topic embracing a lot of different issues. Once we got to learn more about the legal framework associated with the Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage projects, the process of inclusion of the CCS projects as Clean Development Mechanisms activities appeared to us as the perfect subject study the dynamics of a climate change-related debate involving a wide range of actors who each have their own objectives and expectations.

Our team:

Alexandra Aguirre: Coordinator

Guillaume Chaban-Delmas: Web designer

Christa Chen: Text Miner

Awa Kane: Investigator

Raphaël Lemée: Investigator

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