CCS association

Type of actor: association

Who are they?
The CCS Association represents the interests of actors of the CCS business such as Alstom, GDF Suez or Shell. Its aim is to promote CCS and assist policy development towards a long-term regulatory framework.

What is their position?
In a position paper of 2008, the CCS Association considers that CCS is not the ultimate solution but constitutes a first step for a transition to a low-carbon economy. The technology itself has been proven on the basis of many year of industrial experience in Western countries. Nonetheless, it is very costly and risky. The CDM represents a primary method to provide incentives for low-carbon projects in the developing world. In a following submission for the Copenhagen conference, the CCS Association brings a more economy-focused point of view. It states that the inclusion of CCS in the CDM will enable the development of low-cost CS projects. Market mechanisms alone are insufficient to drive early stage development of CCS in the power sector.



Position papers:

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