Climate Action Network

Type of actor : NGO

Who are they ?
The Climate Action Network is a worldwide network of over 700 non governmental associations in more than 90 countries. It aims at promoting government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels. Its vision is to protect the atmosphere while allowing for sustainable and equitable development worldwide.

What is their position ?
The CAN considers that CCS should not be included in the Clean Development Mechanism.
According to the Marrakech agreement, projects under the CDM have to be environmentally “safe and sound”. The NGO argues that CCS leads to too many issues: risk of leakage,  problem of liability and monitoring for instance. It states that “many concerns surround CCS, i.e. leakage, liability and monitoring, and unless such issues are resolved, inclusion in the CDM is not appropriate”.
It also highlights the problem of site selection criteria and the lack of legislation around CCS projects. According to them, some requirements as a proper site selection, operating practices to guarantee permanent retention of injected carbon dioxide, monitoring, measurement and verification provisions, and responsibility for leakage of injected gas should be developed before any decision is taken on whether CCS should be a part of the CDM.
The CAN supports the suggestion by the European Union that CCS pilot projects need to gain experience with the technology before being included :  “countries advocating for CCS should seek to gain practical experience in their own countries before exporting it”.
It therefore considers that CSS is not a real sustainable solution to protect our climate for the moment. It should not be neglected as an option but it surely can not be included in the CDM.


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