EPPSA (European Power Plant Supplier Association)

Type of actor: organisation

Who are they ?

The EPPSA is the voice, at the European level, of companies supplying power plants components and services. EPPSA members, located throughout Europe, represent a leading sector of technology with more than 100 000 employees and annual revenue of over €20 billion. The EPPSA actively promotes technologies for highly efficient and sustainable power generation in a carbon constrained world. The EPPSA believes increased investment in Research, Development and Demonstration is a key factor in driving the competitiveness of the EU as well as ensuring affordable near zero emission power supplies.

Virtually all power plants in the EU are built by members of the EPPSA, or equipped with their components

What is their position ?

The EPPSA strongly supports the inclusion of CCS in the CDM as an additional initiative to further develop and deploy CCS. CCS has a great potential as a climate change mitigation technology in the developing world.

All scientific evidence show that CO2 storage is safe provided careful site characterization and selection.

The EPPSA emphasizes an urgent need for a development of national and international rules and framework for CCS projects that would address the major unresolved regulatory issues related to CCS. The EPPSA regards the inclusion of CCS in the CDM as another step forward to the establishment of a necessary regulatory framework, in particular in developing countries, delivering a stable and trustworthy framework for all future activities.


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