International Risk Governance Council

Type of actor : organisation

Who are they ?
IRGC is an independent organisation whose purpose is to help the understanding and management of global risks that impact on human health and safety, the environment, the economy and society. This involves working to develop concepts of risk governance, anticipating major risk issues and providing risk governance policy advice for key decision-makers.

What is their position ?
IRGC feels it should be possible for CCS projects to be included under the Clean Development Mechanism eventhough appropriate modalities and procedures must be first established. It considers that more information should be collected before doing anything. Bringing CCS under the CDM should hence be done in a careful manner. The approval process should be designed to allow for flexibility of improvements and the increase of knowledge and experience on CCS. If CSS is included in the CDM activities, they also suggest the creation of CCS working group. It should be composed of technical experts working under the CDM Executive Board.


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