Type of actor: NGO

Who are they ?
The World Wide Fund for Nature is an internationalnon-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment. This organisation born in 1961 has grown into the world’s largest independent conservation organization working in more than 100 countries, supporting around 1,300 conservation and environmental projects

What is their position ?
WWF expressed its in-principle support for the development of CCS but opposed its inclusion in the CDM. For the moment, CCS has not proven to be a safe technology, it still involves a lot of issues : carbon leakage, storage, monitoring… Besides, the lack of legal framework will prevent CCS projects in developping countries from being properly regulated. It considers that the risks are higher than the potential advantages:”the unresolved issues of including CCS in the CDM pose higher risks to the environmental integrity and effectiveness of the Kyoto compliance and post-2012 climate regime than the perceived advantages of including CCS”.


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