As for the journalists’ intentions, they are unclear: are they driven by the will to investigate, and/or by the desire to sell?

Zoologist Yoram Yom Tov pointed out that climate change is the trendy scientific topic of the moment, passing scientific borders and integrating itself into politics and every day life. Have our actors and future Shrinking Sheep actors researched into the subject because of pure interest in the change in species size, or is it driven by money? Getting funds for scientific research could be a challenge, and linking it to climate-change is according to Yom Tov a viable way of attracting investors, and we found interesting to highlight this point of view, although it is extremely marginal.

Throughout history, scientific discoveries have been linked to social interests. Why would one research a topic that doesn’t interest anyone? It is extremely difficult to ignore one’s cultural and political surroundings, and scientists are no different. Scientists may be specifically interested in climate change in itself, but any influence due to climate change media coverage and public concern seems plausible.

To study the change in species size with no plan to link it to climate change exists as well. Scientists may find links later on in their studies, or refute the association all together.

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