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Plus d'informations dans les fiches acteurs


Ernst Grafenberg

"The Role of Urethra in Female Orgasm"


Shere Hite

"The Hite Report"


Beverly Whipple

"The G-spot and other discoveries about human sexuality"


Terence Hines

"The G-spot : a modern gynecologic myth"


Rachel Pauls

"The anatomic distribution of nerve density in the human vagina"


Helen O'Conell

"The anatomy of the Distal Vagina"


Emmanuele a. Jannini

"Measurement of the thickness of the urethrovaginal space"


Odile Buisson et Pierre Foldès

"Sonography of the Clitoris", "The clitoral complex"


Equipe Song

"Innervation of the Vagina"


Andrea Burri et Tim Spector

"Genetic and Environmental Influences on self-reported G-spot in Women"


Sophie Bramly

Olivier Florant

Damien Mascret

Georges Mutema


Vincenzo Puppo



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